A little bit about me

I work as a freelance communicator. I happen to have a PhD in biology, but I don't belabour the point.

In essence, I see myself as a translator. I speak Science, and I speak English, and I work hard to make the two understand one another.

It’s possible I can help you. Why not contact me and let's see if we can come to some sort of arrangement?

Mostly, I like to help people tell their stories. I’m a biologist by training and by inclination, and my main joy is applying that to food and the agriculture and industries that supply it. I also have side interests in economics and many other things.

I don’t currently have a portfolio, as such, but here are some of the things I've done:

  • I've written books and worked in print, radio and TV. You can search for me, I’m more than happy to consider any commissions.
  • I used to think that what I was doing would help change people's minds, but I've long since given up on that. On GMOs, for example, I wrote this in 1998 and I have no reason to change any of it now.
  • I make Eat This Podcast, which was nominated for a James Beard Foundation award In 2015 and 2016. (Always the bridesmaid ...) I also make podcasts for clients and would be delighted to do the same for you.
  • Several clients have asked me to work with them to develop a communications strategy. I can’t say who they are, but they’ve generally been pretty pleased with the results and I’d be happy to talk privately.
  • I've done a lot of training on communications and, especially, science writing. Again, more details on request.
  • I'm proud of what Luigi and I have done at The Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog speaking truth to power and generally snarking it up.
  • I built this website, whatever its faults, and others.

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