Painted wall at the Library of Congress with the quote from Pope, A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deep or taste not of the Pierian spring.

At the Library of Congress, they understood

In yesterday's monthly post I teased about not being able to talk about "the thing that hijacked this update" because it happened in the current month. Here's the story.

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There’s a very good reason why this monthly update is as late as it is, but as all the delay actually happened in March, I shouldn’t discuss it until April, IYSWIM.

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Leisureguy on Mastodon updated his post on Nordic walking and that proved the stimulus I needed to take up sticks again. I had a good workout yesterday, and as we discussed the topic, knowing that he used an Apple Watch, as do I, I asked which activity he used to record Nordic walks. Because of course Apple doesn’t believe people need to record their Nordic walks.

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The subtitles over at Eat This Podcast were really tiny, which somehow I had not noticed before. A WP plugin called Subtitles is responsible, and reading the FAQs I discovered that it injects its CSS directly inline. To replace with my own CSS I would need to block the plugin’s CSS from loading...

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Is it possible that corn (maize) farmers in the US eastern corn belt are collectively giving up on $99 million a year ($1.98 billion in lifetime benefits) by paying too much for seed? That seems to be one possible conclusion of a paper just published in Science.

A large team led by Christian Kr...

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