An archive of some of the data I have recorded about how I spend some of my time.

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Yesterday’s little accessability adventure unsurprisingly opened a whole ‘nother can of worms. As I was showing off my work in Front End Study Hall and learning how to check on dark mode easily in a browser, it became painfully obvious, to those who prefer dark mode, that this site doesn’t do dark mode. At all.

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I have a little newsletter on Buttondown. It is free to anyone, although I can receive voluntary payments. To that end, I sometimes insert what is called an interstitial in messages to people who are not paying subscribers asking them to upgrade. And to make it stand out just a little I give it a pale yellow background. Whether it works to “convert” people I don’t know, but I do know that in one important respect, it didn’t work.

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For a little more than four years now I have kept half an eye on visitors to my various sites using Jason McIntosh’s Bise. I like the hand-rolled ritual each Sunday morning of renaming the log files, running my duct-taped scripts, the brief shot of elation (or despair), and then putting the log files away, never to be looked at again. Except, I do look at them again occasionally, and this is one of those occasions.

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My CDO let me down recently, as I discovered that I had given my annual reviews at least three different kinds of title, and as I had also chosen to not give them their own tag, distinct from Monthlies, it was a bit of a pain finding them. As it is, four I still have not found, but I have another whole year to do that. If, indeed, they exist. And as I seem to have a general outline format, I shall continue to use that.

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