For the past couple of months there have been problems with the comments on this website. For the most part I have been happy to solve them manually. There aren’t that many and I’m about to redesign everything (eventually) so no point dealing with it now. Then yesterday, thanks to my on-this-day facility, I noticed Comments plugin fixed from 2019.
Having whined recently about listening to music and finding music I want to listen to I resolved, casually, to do something about that. A couple of days ago, I took a look at Bandcamp to see what they thought I might like, based on what I have liked. The first thing they sent me to was OK, but not r...
This is a bit embarassing. For I think the first time, I gave this post the same title as a previous post, which I realised only because that post had received webmentions that displayed on this place. The only solution is to retitle this post and reshare it. And ensure I test first ...
I very much enjoyed Tracy Durnell's long post about
, part of a series on wanting, or perhaps needing, less. It mirrors, at least partially, my own experiences of music in the past few years; having first reduced friction I now find that, in order to be more intentional, I need to reduce friction all over againThere's a temptation to review the whole year, not the month, which I shall try to resist.