
Originally published 05-04-2008

racing car with number 26
At a meeting yesterday morning we discussed a shared workspace. The Chair preferred email, "because people prefer action items, and an email in your inbox you can take action on. Going to a shared workspace you can ignore."

Well yes, if it weren't that...

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Which way?

Originally published 30-03-2008

"We'll be leaving in a moment. Especially if you can tell me the route."

I thought the bus driver was joking, an attempt to break the ice with his sole passenger early on Sunday morning. But no. He hesitated at a crossroads.

"Turn left," I yelled.


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Rats! Another Big Idea

Originally published 25-03-2008

I had A Big Idea yesterday. This is bad because it reminds me of my deficiencies. I am not a risk-taker. I've never second-mortgaged the house to invest in a dream of riches. I'm lazy, seldom managing to avoid the lure of a nap. I'd rather...

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Not quite a habit

Originally published 20-03-2008

Blue Girl asked: "Have you created your new habit yet?" And the truth is, "No, not quite". I was very tempted to skip today; late, tired, I could always backdate it tomorrow morning. A real habit would not have allowed that. And to be honest, i...

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Sorting out stuff

Originally published 15-03-2008

We'd been having some issues with technology. Things going too slow, too many options. If you've switched to GMail precisely because you don't always have access to Mail, why does iPhoto (curse it) insist on sending emails via Mail? Intertubes t...

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