Catching up with podcasts, there was an intriguing bit in The Food Programme episode Seaweed, a forgotten food?. A baker 1 said she regularly put seaweed in her breads, and that it added a good meaty note of umami. I remembered an old packet of dried kombu sitting in a drawer. Bingo.
Spent this morning in the kitchen, doing three things.
A new batch of peanut butter cookies.
When Hana enters the small bakery I have borrowed for a day, I am dividing a loaf into 1.5-centimeter slices. The loaf’s tranches articulate a white fanned deck, each one the exact counterpart of its fellows. The bread is smooth and uniform, like a Bauhaus office block. There are no unneeded flour...
You can follow someone on Twitter and friend them on Facebook, but real friends are people you break bread with.
Got that?
David Carr, in a piece for the New York Times, related eating bread baked by Clay Shirky, a web hero of considerable renown. It came as a surprise to Mr Carr (as it di...
Lotteries, raffles and the like are not generally my friends. But last night, I was lucky enough to win not one but two Regency Wraps reusable parchment sheets, which unlike other reusable baking sheets can be cut to size. This happens so seldom I just had to share my good fortune. There will be a...