Catching up with podcasts, there was an intriguing bit in The Food Programme episode Seaweed, a forgotten food?. A baker 1 said she regularly put seaweed in her breads, and that it added a good meaty note of umami. I remembered an old packet of dried kombu sitting in a drawer. Bingo.


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Spent this morning in the kitchen, doing three things.

A new batch of peanut butter cookies.

  • Hypothesis: They'll be as good or better, made with peanuts finely chopped in my fine chopper instead of peanut butter.
  • Method: Follow recipe, but substitute 265 gm finely chopped salted peanuts...

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When Hana enters the small bakery I have borrowed for a day, I am dividing a loaf into 1.5-centimeter slices. The loaf’s tranches articulate a white fanned deck, each one the exact counterpart of its fellows. The bread is smooth and uniform, like a Bauhaus office block. There are no unneeded flour...

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You can follow someone on Twitter and friend them on Facebook, but real friends are people you break bread with.

Got that?

David Carr, in a piece for the New York Times, related eating bread baked by Clay Shirky, a web hero of considerable renown. It came as a surprise to Mr Carr (as it di...

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Lotteries, raffles and the like are not generally my friends. But last night, I was lucky enough to win not one but two Regency Wraps reusable parchment sheets, which unlike other reusable baking sheets can be cut to size. This happens so seldom I just had to share my good fortune. There will be a...

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