The Food Programme on BBC Radio 4 recently did a programme on butter, and jolly interesting it was too. That the Danes and the French caught the Irish dozing 1and overran Ireland's global butter domination was news to me. The rapid romp through the health debate was a bit light. I don't think I'...

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When apricots are 3 euros a kilogram in the market (with smaller ones -- more slicing -- for 2 euros) what's a chap to do? Make apricot jam, obviously.

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If you think supersweet corn is genetically modified, I’d love to know what you think of the changes that turned teosinte into maize.

I said that, elsewhere. Not normally one for massive cross-posting, especially not of the gatling gun variety, I’m indulging myself this time for two reasons.


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It is difficult to find, and impossible to park once you do, but Sforno will make it worth your while. I'd heard a bit of buzz about it, but what finally tipped the balance was a review in Puntarella Rossa. OK, she thinks the location is "convenient". Perhaps it is for many; we rounded up some chums and made plans for an expedition.

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Hats off to Birke Baehr. The young man has courage, and convictions, and he displayed both talking to a huge crowd at an independent Ted event in Asheville, North Carolina. 1 So much so that he ended up featured on the mother ship at, which is how I came to see his performance.

It was a great performance too. He had clearly rehearsed. He knew his stuff. He engaged with the audience. His graphics were clear. Heck, I have 2 colleagues who could use a lesson from Birke.

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