The two baby orchid keikis have made definite progress during the week. Both are putting out new roots, and one, the larger by a smidgen, has a new leaflet.

A leaflet emerging from the crown of a msall Phaleanopsis keiki

New roots on a Phaleanopsis keiki

new roots and leaflet on a Phaleanopsis keiki|

The parent plant I’m not so sure about. Although the newest leaf is glossy and turgid, the others are a bit limp and patchy. The two...

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Revived Phalaenopsis orchid on its side and bare rooted with a naturally dropped dying leaf

The wait is over. After soaking in weak tea for seven days, my one remaining Phalaenopsis orchid is looking a little less ropy. In fact I was exceedingly pleased this morning that the one particularly daggy leaf came away in my hands. I had feared that I might have to cut if off, risking disease and death. Now I’m thinking that maybe the tea treatment gave the plant the strength to withdraw what it could from the leaf and seal it off with a nice corky abscission scar.

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