Deciding to host a blog carnival was the easy part. Actually doing the work took me right back to those wonderful merry-go-round rides of yesteryear, complete with steam driven organ, as opposed to all the shiny themed rides of the modern amusement park. But enough reminiscence. To work!
Like I said, Monday offered perfect weather to extend my customary long bike ride. A lot. Instead of stopping at the Raccordo, I had resolved to continue to the sea and come back by train from Ostia. I made it, and I enjoyed it despite some faily hairy passages.
The sky is clear celeste, unmarked by clouds. The wind is fresh, but not overly so. The temperature is a delicious 23°C. In other words, a perfect early autumn day. Yesterday was the same, maybe a touch windier, just the job for a very long bike ride.
As the month turns, it seems like a good idea to drum up a little support for the IndieWeb Carnival, which I am hosting this month. The idea is simplicity itself.
Time to bite the bullet I launched at myself a long time ago, and specify a topic for September's Indieweb Carnival: My Kind of Weather.