The chat at has been quite busy lately with people brainstorming about taxonomies, specifically about how to classify places that serve coffee. This isn’t something I am interested in, although the broader topic of classifications and taxonomies I do wrestle with from time to time. What triggered this post is the discussion over there that focused on emergent versus deliberately designed taxonomies.

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Yesterday, almost nine months after starting, my from-the-ground-up redesign of the podcast website went live. Of course I was not working on it full time, although I have notes from 25 different sessions. Now that it is up and running, it seems like a good idea to reflect on the process. The primary reflection being, it is a pain.

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On Monday, perhaps foolishly, I went for a bicycle ride despite a very iffy weather forecast. A friend from the Venice ride in May was in town and wanted to go for a ride together, and two previous dates had fallen through. Monday was our last chance on this trip, so we went for it.

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One reason I enjoy trawling through my various social feeds is that it exposes me to stuff I am interested in and might not otherwise find, even without the help of an algorithm. The past couple of days that happened in spades.

First, John Gordon mentioned the Tourbon canvas & leather bicycle bi...

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Page 249 of the 250-page Leuchtturm 1917 A5 notebook, which I think of as the hub of my paper-based life, beckons. There’s a fresh spare on the shelf, still shrink wrapped, so I’m calm, but I’m also conscious that I am deluding myself about its centrality.

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