I don't know where John Naughton found his version of this quote from Hunter S. Thompson:

Screenshot of quotation

I do know that the version I photocopied more than 25 years ago and that sits above my desk to this day, is more Gonzo.

photo of my photocopy of quotation

But that's also a secondary source. This is as close to truth as one can g...

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People have written some interesting things following on from the pop-up IndieWebCamp that Chris Aldrich organised a couple of weeks ago. The Garden and the Stream set out to compare and contrast wikis and weblogs and how the two might be used. It was a terrific success, and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be there. The topic interests me and is something I’ve thought about on and off for a long time. This morning, I treated myself to thinking about it some more.

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Lovely morning for just sitting quietly in the sun waiting for the birds. And what a difference a bit of sun makes, because these were shot at 1/2000, which certainly helps.

Blue tit with a bug in its mouth just before entering its nest

Blue tit in flight after leaving its nest in a hollow terracotta sculpture of a grostesque head

There are absolutely, definitely nestlings present, but I have not heard a single chirp, nor do I want to spoil things b...

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About this time last year, I started taking a melatonin pill every night before bed. I had long used it for jet lag, but I think it was reading Gwern’s lengthy analysis that prompted me to try it on the regular. I began doing that a year or so ago, and at some point roughly 200 days ago I switched from a 3 mg dose to a 1 mg dose. How do I know? Because my second bottle of 200 tablets was just delivered.

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A couple of weeks ago The Main Squeeze said she had seen some little birds poking around the entrance to a somewhat strange hollow terracotta sculpture we have on the terrace. Sure enough, I confirmed the presence of blue tits. There’s no sign yet of any activity within the sculpture, but the birds...

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