People who know only little jars of vinegary green balls, or salt-packed sachets, are often surprised by caper flowers. Delicate, exotic, with those gorgeous anther filaments shading from purple to white, they seem out of place on the wild capers that tumble down rocky cliffs. And flowers mean you...
Yesterday, a friend taught me an important lesson.
I was enjoying your podcast on salt and sugar and wanted to sign up but none of the options look like things I use. I am probably mistaken but thought you would like to know.
When I set up my podcast site giving people the opportunity to s...
A thought came to me as I stood obediently by the side of an empty road, a road devoid of traffic as far as the eye could see, which was a long way. Nothing was going to scream unforeseen round a corner to menace all of us waiting patiently for a little green person to beep us safely across the roa...
Sometimes the Internet turns me into a spoiled child, drumming my heels on the floor and holding my breathe till I turn blue in the face, and all because it won’t give me what I want. And of course it is all the Internet’s fault. If it hadn’t indulged so many of my whims for so long, I wouldn’t find...
The Rome Digest is plugging a translation of Popes, Peasants, and Shepherds: Recipes and Lore from Rome and Lazio. Somewhat sensitised by my earlier efforts to dispel the idea that the herb mentuccia is pennyroyal, I looked inside. Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that the error con...