He was nine years old; he was a child; but he knew his own soul, it was dear to him, he protected it as the eyelid protects the eye, and did not let anyone into his soul without the key of love. His educators complained that he did not want to learn, yet his soul was overflowing with a thirst for...
2021-08-06: Ten years on, and while Scoop.it seems to still be going strong, both of us have dropped it, although it was fun while it lasted. Our accounts are still there, but they are “deactivated”. The whole curation thing, of course, is still alive and well.
When Luigi first told me he was...
Time was when a blogger in search of inspiration looked no further than the search terms people brought with them. Me too. Today, though, I happened to delve into my muck filter and discovered the schizoid spammer pictured above. So am I appreciated, or despised? You be the judge.
This is going to be a rant. About language, words and meanings. I know, I know; language is a living, breathing, dying thing, and I should just deal with it. But for a word that had its barmitzvah (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:xA_4aqIEqOQJ:www.ias.ac.in/currsci/25jul2011/133.pdf+first...