Painted wall at the Library of Congress with the quote from Pope, A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deep or taste not of the Pierian spring.

At the Library of Congress, they understood

In yesterday's monthly post I teased about not being able to talk about "the thing that hijacked this update" because it happened in the current month. Here's the story.

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For a little more than four years now I have kept half an eye on visitors to my various sites using Jason McIntosh’s Bise. I like the hand-rolled ritual each Sunday morning of renaming the log files, running my duct-taped scripts, the brief shot of elation (or despair), and then putting the log files away, never to be looked at again. Except, I do look at them again occasionally, and this is one of those occasions.

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This is a bit embarassing. For I think the first time, I gave this post the same title as a previous post, which I realised only because that post had received webmentions that displayed on this place. The only solution is to retitle this post and reshare it. And ensure I test first ...

I very much enjoyed Tracy Durnell's long post about listening without a streaming subscription, part of a series on wanting, or perhaps needing, less. It mirrors, at least partially, my own experiences of music in the past few years; having first reduced friction I now find that, in order to be more intentional, I need to reduce friction all over again

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Habits I have aplenty, some of them bordering on the obsessive. Do I need to weigh myself every morning if I record my weight only once a week? But rituals, very few. So what’s the difference?

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Not really FOMO, but it would have been nice to have been able to attend the first meeting of Front End Study Hall yesterday. Still, glancing through the notes, especially in light of having recently pressed Publish on a redesign of one of my other sites, made me once again reassess my priorities.

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