Almost two weeks have gone by since the IndieWebCamp in Nürnberg, and as everyone is gearing up for IWC Berlin it is about time I wrote up what a good time I had and what I did.

The good time is simple. It is so energising to meet, in the flesh, with people who have very similar sorts of ideas and who are in addition so much more knowledgeable than I am. Just sitting in on discussions and absorbing what I can makes me feel that much closer to understanding. Being occasionally able to make a useful contribution is also rewarding. Even a couple of days is very worthwhile, and this being my second IWC I felt much more relaxed about knowing the ropes and some of the people.

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A couple of back-burner projects are simmering nicely. Mapping I wrote about recently.1 Today I turned back to working on micropub to add posts to this site. I have now worked out how to send two different kinds of post to two different places in the file system. Both are what you might call notes (indeed I call them Notes) but some are little status update notes and others are bookmarks.2 The way Grav works is that each file lives in a folder and Grav uses a specific template to display the contents of the file. I wanted a way to visually distinguish the two kinds of note; I chose different icons in the title.

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Observant readers may notice a new menu item over on the top right: Walks. This is the story of how that came to be. And how much further I have to go.

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Elephant washing

Originally uploaded by Jeremy Cherfas.

I’m actually just testing this to see how blogging from Flickr works. It would save masses of time and effort (both of which are in short supply) to be able to do this kind of thing.

Later ... Odd. Flickr said that I had faile...

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