Start: 95.4 Last week: 92.6 This week: 90.3
Friday 11 August: Yesterday, my total solid intake before evening -- and it was not that solid -- was half a (small) slice of watermelon. From time to time a little pang of hunger would grip me. But within minutes it would go away and I felt fine. No idea why. I ate pretty well the day before, but not excessively. And I have a cold, which sometimes suppresses the appetite. In the evening I felt I really ought to have something, and made a small plate (100 gm vs my habitual 125 gm) of linguine, with aglio, olio e peperoncino, as much to attack the head cold as to feed any hunger. It's the next best thing in the absence of hot and sour soup, and it worked, for a while. I find the absence of hunger really strange. And it cuts out some of the little joys of the day, like a slice of Sal's perfect simple pizza. But it does save time. And money.
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