Bugger. I've been dreading this news. I owe PPGB more than I ever said, more than I ever could say. Truly, the end of an era.
Last week, I published a paper in PNAS addressing a topic that has captured the attention of media and policymakers around the world for many years – the rising suicide rate in India. ... I focus on the role of climate in this tragic phenomenon. I find that temperatures during India’s main growing...
[I]t would be very good to work out how much of what most of us spend on food is simply siphoned off to pay bankers, as interest on the debts of all the people along the food chain.
Colin Tudge in fine fettle.
Over on Instagram I became fascinated by the bread videos of Trevor Jay Wilson, marvelling at how gentle he is with his dough and how wonderfully that dough performs for him.
Thus inspired, I tried a new approach, using an overnight autolyse. And it mostly worked.
The point is, why bother wr...
How did Siegers come to invent the warty pumpkin that everyone else seems to have known about forever? The “inventor” (who was a director of marketing at Siegers) was both very observant and very inexperienced.
Me, over at the other place,