The Godfather horse head prop pillow (Luigi)
Not sure Apple would regard this bit of imitation as a sincere form of flattery. (JoMo)
P.s. 11 September 2016: So glad both of these links are still alive. I've had to discard a fair number of these early link posts because they're dead.
Dutch men prefer blondes and over half of Dutch women want to be blond or blonder than their present shade, particularly in the summer,
According to a survey, for a shampoo manufacturer.
But the best part?
Several women polled no longer to know what their original hair colour was. (si...
Hey, over there, that guy with the crown on. He may be the emperor, but he's naked! 1
Round up some of the usual suspects. Get them to talk about organic food.
In this case, the whole farrago of "knowledge management". The tragedy of going through these old posts is that, like trage...
While I don't exactly agree with the ostensible reason for's existence (but see also, it is a very handy site for finding a copy of a poem in a hurry. Google sent me there to find some e.e. cummings and I did.