Episode summary: Board Game Season

Episode summary: LA SPESA - Un assaggio di DOI

Episode summary: Today we meet “Genius Grant” winner Andrea Armstrong. In 2019, she started the Incarceration Transparency Project to identify and make public how many people were dying behind bars in Louisiana. The project also documents conditions inside the state’s prisons and jails – what Andrea...

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Episode summary: One of my favorite technology critics has just published a novel about Self Driving Cars (or fake Self Driving Cars). We talk about her new book, and the hidden human worker nestled in our technological revolution. I can’t recommend Wrong Way enough!

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Episode summary: Is pessimism a way to minimize disappointment or the key to an adventurous life?

Episode summary: When a young woman showed up at a boarding house in Manhattan, she said her name was Nellie Brown – but that was all she seemed to remember about herself. Soon, people became scared of her. Someone went to the police: “I want you to take her quietly.” Stacy Horn’s book is Damnation...

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Episode summary: Does the 14th Amendment’s Disqualification Clause apply to Trump?

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Episode summary: A collection of wintery and festive tales for the season: Why the Sea is Salt, The Christmas Bear and Twelve Brothers. The first is 'Why the Sea is Salt' a Norwegian tale adapted from Christmas Fairytales colled by Neil Phillip. The story begins on a bitterly cold Christmas Eve when...

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Episode summary: In her third appearance, Fuchsia, Tyler, and a group of special guests gather over a banquet meal at Mama Chang

Episode summary: Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the North African privateers who, until their demise in the nineteenth century, were a source of great pride and wealth in their home ports, where they sold the people and goods they’d seized from Christian European ships and coastal towns. Nominally,...

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