Episode summary: Are we alone in the universe – and if not, how many other civilisations might there be? Remarkable images and data sent back to Earth by the James Webb telescope have given a new impetus to a well-worn debate. We ask how far mathematics – and in particular a famous equation called t...

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Episode summary: When is a breakup not a breakup? When your ex controls every aspect of your life. After walking through the freedom struggles of Ghana and the Congo in previous episodes, George turns his attention towards the “former” French colonies of West and Central Africa. What happens when fr...

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Episode summary: In the 1980s, Liverpool was having what journalists called a heroin epidemic. The chairman of a local organization where people would go for drug counseling told a reporter, “We are on the brink of complete catastrophe.” Then a small group of people decided to try something. Maia Sz...

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Episode summary: Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay’s essays written in 1787/8 in support of the new US Constitution. They published these anonymously in New York as ‘Publius’ but, when it became known that Hamilton and Madison were the main authors, the e...

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Episode summary: What is it about film that some smart people just don’t seem to get?

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Episode summary: How Reno became the go-to place to get a quick divorce and how divorce laws have changed over time

Episode summary: Keyboard Maestro got a big update, and the Automators are here to report on the new features.

Episode summary: This week David explores a different way of thinking about the current epoch: what if this isn’t the Anthropocene but the Leviacene? Who or what is really driving planetary destruction? Can human nature explain it? Or should we be looking at the political and economic superpowers th...

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Episode summary: The Bear Was Poked With Maria Konnikova

Episode summary: Miriam Makeba recorded ‘Pata Pata’ in 1967 with the help of American producer Jerry Ragovoy. It became a huge hit and Miriam Makeba used newfound fame to speak the injustices of apartheid. Her records were banned and South Africa and she was forced to live in exile. Here, people fro...

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