Episode summary: Episodio 37: Le buone maniere a tavola (Stagione 3)

Episode summary: For the last episode in our summer season on the great twentieth-century essays and essayists, David discusses Joan Didion’s ‘The White Album’ (1979), her haunting, impressionistic account of the fracturing of America in the late 1960s. From Jim Morrison to the Manson murders, Didio...

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Episode summary: On Background: The Case Against Sam Bankman-Fried

Episode summary: Guns Part 2: Getting out of Dodge

Episode summary: Solving the housing crisis and the office vacancy crisis with one obvious and elegant idea: office to housing conversion. If it were only that simple.

Episode summary: At 53, the chess legend is still one of the best in the world. What keeps him playing?

Episode summary: When Amy Loughren started working as a nurse at Somerset Medical Center, she did everything she could to hide the fact that she had a heart condition. And then, another nurse named Charles Cullen discovered Amy’s secret. He told her that he would keep it, but she didn’t know that he...

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Episode summary: The story of how “Who Let The Dogs Out” ended up stuck in all of our brains. A story that goes back over 50 years and spans continents.

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Episode summary: Guns Part 1: The Sudden Celebrity of Sir John Knight

Episode summary: Timnit Gebru is not just a pioneering critic of dangerous AI datasets who calls bullshit on bad science pushed by the likes of OpenAI, or a tireless champion of racial, gender, and climate justice in computing. She’s also someone who wants to build something different. This week on...

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