Episode summary: Josie Long presents short documentaries and audio adventures about life on wheels. A woman cyclist rolls solo though the Scottish landscape, a car park becomes a vortex of roller skaters and Jungle music at night, and listening to the rhythms of all that spins. Carpark Cruisers and...

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Episode summary: Native Americans once owned these lands, and they still treat the Columbia Basin as their sacred home. We’ve all benefited from that taken land, but now corporations are the West’s new settlers. Meanwhile, Cody faces a federal judge and his tight-knit rural community. His sons start...

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Episode summary: How well does GPT4 do pretending to be the 18th century satirist?

Episode summary: When Debra Miller woke up on October 8th, 1964, she was expecting to see a black Volkswagen in her family’s driveway. Instead, she saw a police car. “And I knew my father was dead.” Say hello on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Sign up for our occasional newsletter, The Accomplice....

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Episode summary: The Easterday empire is being broken apart. Some of the most valuable farmland in America is up for sale, and the billionaires are coming to town. The bidding war over water-rich lands shows the shift in how America farms.

Episode summary: Higher Animals with Michael Specter

Episode summary: Curious to know when you use Italian subject pronouns, like io and tu? Most of the time, you don’t! But read on to find out how to use them like an Italian. Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-subject-pronouns/ Join our Italian club and get...

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Episode summary: SoS 64 The problematic history of lactase persistence research with Dr. Alice Yao — Sausage of Science — Overcast

Followed up the comment by Miranda Brown on ETP to this podcast (which I had to Huffduff, because) and very glad I did. I was (old white guy warning) completely unawar...

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Episode summary: Today the Netherlands has a reputation as a kind of bicycling paradise, but that was far from inevitable

Episode summary: Back in 2018 your host met Stormy Daniels as part of his 15 part investigation into America’s disinformation complex. You can find that series here. On this historic day, as we learn that no American floats above the law, we turn back to this historic TOE moment, a remix of False Al...

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