A learning experience

A fine evening, as a Philistine among the anointed. My first exposure to the term “appropriation art” though not, I subsequently discovered, to appropriation art itself. Some of it I think I understand, the visual equivalent of musical sampling. Some I definitely don’t, the artistic equivalent of straightforward theft.1 As ever, the web leaves me better informed, but no wiser. I give you:

Maybe you can make more sense of it than I can.

But the high point of the evening was most definitely wandering into the bathroom at the trattoria where we ended up for supper, and seeing a sign that read “Uomini Man”. For one, brief moment I thought I was in some sort of hipster paradise. But no, that’s where I had been earlier in the evening.

  1. 2021-10-28: Back when I wrote this post, the Tate’s entry on Sherrie Levine included one of her appropriated images, with the deliciously ironic note: “Sorry... image not available, due to copyright restrictions”.
    Perfect, simply perfect. 

Filed under | Glory |




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