Well, that was weird.
Something had gone wrong with my little PHP script for adding items from my list at reading.am to my WithKnown-powered stream. It ran, reported no errors, and yet produced nothing at the other end. Gorgeous Saturday morning, blue skies and sunshine; what better way to spend it than indoors debugging?
Anyway, after reading part of the way through the cURL
manual, my friend Sven pointed me in the right direction and I was able to see the responses that the script was receiving from my site. The weird part is that the very act of inserting a couple of extra lines of code seems to have fixed whatever wasn't working. I haven't the faintest idea why.
Anyway, having got this far, I decided to add a little snippet that checks whether there were any errors and, if not, tells me how long the request took.
if (!curl_errno($ch)) {
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
echo "\n", 'Took ', $info['total_time'], ' seconds', "\n";
This goes inside the loop that creates each item, just before curl_close ($ch);
and gives me an indication that all is well.
Unfortunately, testing this out cluttered up the timeline at micro.blog, because I was too lazy to adjust exactly what syndicates there, for which I apologise. It also still doesn't pick up any comments I may have made at Reading.am. Still useful, to me, but if I really want to add a comment I'll continue to use either Omnibear or Quill. And I still want to build something similar that will update from the Pinboard and Paperback combo.
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