One of the first things the professor told us to do when I began to formally learn a bit of Python was to install Anaconda, which I dutifully did. Looking back, all we ever used there was Spyder. Only later did I discover the joys of Jupyter, but the joy was short-lived. Once I got the point of using virtual environments, I discovered that my entire setup was just too big a tangle for me to understand. So I uninstalled Anaconda, not for the first time. And after a couple of missteps, Jupyter seemeed to work just fine without it. Then I upgraded my os to Ventura, and many, many things stopped working, including Jupyter.

I have now spent the better part of a day doing my very level best to fix the problem, which at one point saw me blithely reinstalling Anaconda, only to have to de-install that again when things went awry, again. So, where am I now?

In principle, I like the idea of virtual envionments, not that my feeble efforts require that much distinguishing, but it does keep things a bit tidier. (That may be one to reconsider.) I still cannot get Jupyter to work, anywhere. There is, apparently, a missing module that none, repeat none, of my battle-tested rituals seem able to find. With no virtual environment active, my Python version is 3.10.9. But Homebrew shows me that I may well have 3.11 in addition. I resolutely do not need two versions of Python. But while there are a million how-tos out there for installing bits and bobs, I have found it almost impossible to find the kind of guide I need to providing myself with a stahble, working, Python playground.

Back in October last year I bookmarked How to set up Python in 2022 but probably got scared off by the strongly-worded warning, DO NOT INSTALL PYTHON WITH HOMEBREW. Maybe the time has come, finally, to read that properly and see whether I can improve matters.

I expect more nukes will be rained down on my machine from space.

Filed under | Geeky |




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