Brushed up

Too funny. R. Scott Jones writes about solving his hair “issues” by getting clippers and adopting a buzz cut. I did the same, back in the day. He did have one worry:

Sure, the consequence is that perhaps some women wouldn’t date someone lacking long luscious locks. But I doubt they’d be the type of woman I’d want to date anyway, so the actual consequence was rather inconsequential.

My experience was the exact reverse. I was extremely attracted to a woman. We dated. The following summer, on a whim (actually I think it was to piss off the bald coot who was my lacklustre boss at the time) I let myself go and embraced my long, luscious locks. At which point, the woman confessed that she had overcome her hatred of brush cuts to be with me.

Reader, I married her. And she me.

Filed under | Blaugust |




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