Closed cycle

A year of living vicariously

It is done. A year and a month, because holiday, after starting to bring old posts back on a daily basis, the job is finished. I wrote a bit recently about what the endeavour meant to me and about some of the ways in which I might take it forward, but there are other things I maybe need to think about too.

I ought to clean up the previous mess, left over from three different back-end engines. Of course there is a slight fear that I will delete something that might prove absolutely vital down the road. But really, I don’t think so.

It is also interesting how wasteful WordPress is on storage, making all those additional copies for different size images. Mostly I deleted the additional files as I went, but it might be worth a rapid trawl to see if there’s anything there that I really do not want to throw away. The text files, they definitely have to go.

Then there’s the question of what next. Yes, I would like to resurface some old posts because I don’t think they have lost much in the intervening years. On a nerdier note, with around 3400 items in a single folder, I need to think about maybe sub-dividing things to be a bit more manageable. I also regret, now, not adding some sort of date indicator to the URL of each post. That might be something to start thinking about for 2023; never too early.

And finally, there’s the question of the site I made for a special project, which was forced offline at a certain point but for which I still have all the material and the domain name. Originally built in WordPress, the easiest thing might be to reconstruct it in ClassicPress. That will certainly preserve the look and feel of the site. The alternative is to bring it into Grav, which is beginning to look like a pointless exercise just for the sake of it. Actually, thinking about it, maybe rebuiding in ClassicPress and then exporting the whole thing to static files might be the most robust ssolution.

For now, though, I’m happy to have come to the end of a task that seemed at the outset to be endless.

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