Comments plugin fixed

It works for me

Comments to posts here are sufficiently rare that I get a teeny thrill when an email announces "Incoming". How quickly that turned to dust when I realised that although I had received the notification, of the comment itself there was absolutely no sign in the system. As in so many others CMSs, comments here are handled by a plugin, and when I went to check it was clear that the plugin, although authored by the core team, hadn't had any love in a long time.

So I rolled up my metaphorical sleeves and got stuck in. The first task was to read slowly through comments.php, trying to work out what was happening and why and adding notes to explain things to my future self. I should add that the plugin crashed after sending the email, and on a line of code that involved a variable called language. Other people had reported problems with language, so after stepping my way gingerly through the code and failing to find any important use for that variable in my setup, I just deleted that line. Somewhat to my surprise, it immediately crashed on the subsequent line.

Aha! The language thing was a red herring.

At this stage I was blocked by an inability to see what was going on in the plugin code because it kept crashing. That was when I discovered that it is possible to see the value of any variable by inserting dump($variable); into the code (followed by a die;, obvs). You end up with a very pretty display of whatever is there. And that was the breakthrough, because it showed that the code was testing for the existence of a thing that simply never existed.

$post = isset($_POST['data']) ? $_POST['data'] : [];

To translate, if the variable $_POST contains an element called data, make $post an array equal to that element. If it does not exist, make $post an empty array.

But when I looked at $_POST, it did not contain anything called data. Furthermore, the form that sends $_POST doesn't put anything called data into it. As soon as I removed that, everything worked exactly as I expected it to. A definite win. After that, it was trivial to reverse the order of the commands in comments.yaml to make sure that the notification email goes out after the comment has been received by the system. Thinking about that, though, I will probably change it back, because it was only because I received the notification that I knew someone had left a comment. And because I have those emails, I can go in and pretend easily to be the commenter.

I'm actually quite pleased by this result. I keep saying I'm not a developer, but I did manage to untangle the logic and work out how to fix it. There are gaps, I know; I should be testing in various ways for the wholesomeness of the incoming data, and I'm not sure how (or even whether) to submit my fix to the plugin's repository. But hey, it works for me. And that PHP course definitely helped.

I note, too, that the spammers must have given up at some stage, or I would have noticed much sooner. So, thanks again Ton and Peter for making the effort and thereby alerting me to the problem.

Two ways to respond: webmentions and comments


Webmentions allow conversations across the web, based on a web standard. They are a powerful building block for the decentralized social web.

“Ordinary” comments

These are not webmentions, but ordinary old-fashioned comments left by using the form below.

Appears such code already there:

Chris Neale
6 years ago

If your PHP version is sufficient there are some filter functions and presets

Chris Neale
6 years ago

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