Did you notice?

Hands up all those who noticed that instead of a misty bloke in a boat, collecting pond scum on the lake at the Summer Palace in Beijing, the header image for this site now sports a springtime view over the domed roofline of Rome?

It is, I think, a little more appropriate. It is also not too racy to be changing the header roughly once every six months. Partly because I have just painlessly upgraded WordPress, and partly to avoid more pressing “work” I have been contemplating other redesigns, but I don’t think I’m quite ready yet. I need to set up a little local test site, so that I can play here without making too much of a public mess of things.

Tags vs categories: while we’re about it, ever since WordPress made it possible to have Tags as well as Categories, I’ve avoided Tags because I cannot quite get straight the differences between them. I’ve read various articles that tell me Tags are like Micro-categories, but I’m really none the wiser. I flirted for a while with Technorati Tags, but that didn’t seem to drive any extra traffic my way, so I’ve given up.

My question, then, is: Should I use Tags as well as Categories, and if so Why, and How?

2022-04-07: All now totally moot, more or less, I’m glad to say.

Filed under | General |




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