This bafflingly huge waste of my time (and yours) was prompted by two seemingly unlinked events. (Of course, no two events are truly unlinked, but let that ride.) First, there was a bafflingly stupid "article" from Mother Jones: Let’s Remember Some Blogs – Mother Jones. Why stupid?
Because as far as I am concerned, not one of the 15 things they listed was a blog as I understand the term. Maclej at Pinboard agreed: "Do these people even understand what a blog is?" he asked. To me, they are online magazines, rather like Mother Jones itself. Few of them presented anything like a timeline, which may not be the best way to present even a personal website, but is nevertheless one of the characteristics of a true blog.
The second event came as I was bringing an old post in here. Daniel Mosquin had complained gently that his blog, Botany Photo of the Day had been left off Nature's round-up of the top 50 science blogs written by scientists, as compiled by Technorati, when by Daniel's reckoning it ought to have come in at 35.
In my dull, slow approach to old posts, I check every link and try to find ones that are still alive. Nature's list is long gone, but, praise be, The Internet Archive had a copy. So, what the heck. I copied the HTML source, cleaned it up, and went looking for every one of the 50. I've taken the precaution of hiding the details in a table here:
Current status of 50 "top science blogs" in 2006
Current status of 50 popular science blogs written by scientists published by Nature in 2006
Original link | Latest post (on 2019–11–15) | Date | And … |
Pharyngula | Friday Cephalopod: I succumb to peer pressure and will mention Octopolis | ScienceBlogs | 2017–09 | |
The Panda’s thumb | Libellula luctuosa | 2019–11 | Still going strong |
RealClimate | Sensitive But Unclassified « RealClimate | 2019–11 | Still going strong |
Cosmic Variance | Cosmic Variance - : Cosmic Variance | 2013–01 | But the permalinks are broken |
The Scientific Activist | A More Reality-Based Poll | ScienceBlogs | 2010–05 | |
Respectful Insolence | Turning out the lights and moving on: Goodbye, old ScienceBlogs blog, hello new blog | ScienceBlogs | 2017–10 | Marks the end of Science Blogs, has a new domain that has left the history behind. |
Aetiology | Movin‘… | ScienceBlogs | 2017–10 | No forwarding address |
Cognitive Daily | Cognitive Daily Closes Shop after a Fantastic Five-Year Run | ScienceBlogs | 2010–01 | Announces closure. |
Effect Measure | A note tacked to the door | ScienceBlogs | 2010–05 | Announces closure. |
Adventures in Ethics and Science | Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. | ScienceBlogs | 2010–08 | New site at Scientopia tells me I am “trying to access a banned url” but Scientopia appears still to be alive. |
Deltoid | Scienceblogs is shutting down | ScienceBlogs | 2017–10 | Very sad redirection |
Uncertain Principles | Go On Till You Come to the End; Then Stop | ScienceBlogs | 2017–10 | New site includes archives. |
Thoughts from Kansas | | | Flashes visible then gives an error. Blogspot’s fault? Although the URL it redirects to looks very spammy. |
John Hawks Anthropology Weblog | Working toward more ethical anatomical collections at the University of Cape Town · john hawks weblog | 2019–11 | Still going strong. | | | | Duplicate of Thoughts from Kansas (Nature’s mistake, or Technorati’s) with the same spam problem. |
In the pipeline | | | Dead, or possibly at In the Pipeline | Derek Lowe’s commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry. An editorially independent blog from the publishers of Science Translational Medicine.. |
Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology A Group Blog | El Cruce de la Muerte: Fieldwork and Carework at the Crossroad of Death | anthro{dendum} | 2019–11 | Still going strong. Archived and maintained, and moved to anthro{dendum}. |
Stranger Fruit | The time has come … | ScienceBlogs | 2009–05 | Announces move to stranger fruit | musings on life, science, history, and politics.. Nothing since 2017–12 |
The Disgruntled Chemist | The Disgruntled Chemist: Beer Blogging - Steelhead White Dog Pale Ale | 2008–06 | |
A Blog Around the Clock | New URL for this blog | ScienceBlogs | 2011–07 | Moved to Scientific American, last post there Quick update: UNESCO Belgrade, and NYTimes - Scientific American Blog Network. Nothing since 2013–10 |
Evolutionblog | Farewell to EvolutionBlog! | ScienceBlogs | 2016–10 | No forwarding address |
Gene Expression | Remember to switch RSS feeds | ScienceBlogs | 2010–04 | Moved to Gene Expression - and then 2013–11 left that to own domain which appears to be dead. |
Mike the Mad Biologist | Mike the Mad Biologist: I Have Been Assimilated Into the Collective | 2006–06 | moves to Science Blogs (haha) Program Announcement: I’m Moving | ScienceBlogs, leaves that for own domain at Mike the Mad Biologist | Helping idiots who desperately need my assistance by calling them fucking morons since 2004. Still going strong. |
Mixing Memory | Marvin | ScienceBlogs | 2008–08 | No forwarding address |
Archives of The Cheerful Oncologist Volume 2 | Goodbye to ScienceBlogs | ScienceBlogs | 2008–01 | No forwarding address |
The Questionable Authority Archive | Goodbye | ScienceBlogs | 2010–05 | Departs to Scientopia, a banned URL. |
Biosingularity | ‘Brain wi-fi’ reverses leg paralysis in primate first – BBC News – Biosingularity | 2016–11 | Still alive |
Evolgen | This is a Good-bye Post | ScienceBlogs | 2009–01 | No forwarding address |
bootstrap analysis | No content left, spammish. I did track it down to bootstrap analysis — chronicles and musings of an urban field ecologist | 2018–12 | |
Evolving Thoughts | My new blog | ScienceBlogs | 2009–08 | Moving on to Evolving Thoughts Still going strong |
Terra Sigillata | Terra Sigillata announces new home at CENtral Science | ScienceBlogs | 2010–08 | Moving on to Terra Sigillata | CENtral Science, which is an archive that ends 2014–06 |
Prometheus (Roger Pielke Jnr) | Can’t connect to the server. | | |
A Few Things Ill Considered | A Few Things Ill Considered: Illconsidered on Science Blogs | 2007–09 | Move to Science Blogs (haha) Satellites Observe “Traffic Jams” in Antarctic Ice Stream Caused by Tides | ScienceBlogs 2017–01 No forwarding address |
75 Degrees South | Malicious site warning. | | |
Discovering biology in a digital world | New home for Discovering Biology in a Digital World | ScienceBlogs | 2017–10 | Moving to The importins of close protein relationships | Digital World Biology 2019–06 Still going strong |
A Concerned Scientist | Daniel Rhoads: Native Plants for Urban Gardens | 2011–01 | No forwarding address |
Invasive Species Weblog | Invasive Species Weblog: Singing Like A Bird | 2011–07 | Moved to Twitter |
Developing Intelligence | Site hijacked. | | |
The Daily Transcript | My Year in a Picture | ScienceBlogs | 2009–12 | No forwarding address |
Biopeer | Domain is for sale. | | |
Stayin’ Alive | Stayin’ Alive: Logical fallacies | 2019–11 | Still going strong |
On being a scientist and a woman | Site gone; asks me to login to Google???? | | |
Flags and Lollipops - Bioinformatics Blog | Redirected to somewhere unexpected. | | |
The Quantum Pontiff | The open access wars | The Quantum Pontiff | 2019–07 | Still going strong |
Good Math, Bad Math | Moving on | ScienceBlogs | 2010–08 | Created Scientopia | - A bioinformatics weblog | Nginx welcome splash screen. | | |
Climate Science | Cannot connect to server. | | |
The Lancelet | The Lancelet: Streamlining the site | 2012–04 | |
Afarensis | Not found at Science Blogs, but apparently now at Laetoli Museum Closer To Reality | Afarensis: Anthropology, Evolution, and Science | 2014–10 | |
Three-Toed Sloth | Goes to home page of U Mich Center for the Study of Complex Systems. | | |
Good news and bad
Of the 50, I deem 7 to be still going strong; 8 if you count BPOTD. By that, I mean there has been a post in 2019. Congratulations to all of them. I don’t suppose any receive webmentions, but maybe they have automatic ego-searches and will discover this post and maybe even update me.
Twenty-three of the top 50 were hosted at Science Blogs. I vaguely remember Science Blogs storming onto the scene and hoovering up many of the bloggers I was following. I may even have harboured a little jealousy, wondering why my own effort never got the knock on the door, despite zealously Technorati-tagging every post. I strongly suspect that one reason why so many of the top 50 were at Science Blogs was a network effect of cross-publicising all their blogs, which might have affected the rankings on Technorati.
Science Blogs is still going, after a fashion. Look at the table, though, and you’ll see that a large number of its stable bolted in the second half of 2010. They were spooked by Pepsigate. Science Blogs took Pepsi’s money for PR disguised as independent content.
I cannot blame the science blogs that have gone AWOL or are MIA; enthusiasm fades, priorities change, people get tenure. Nobody says you have to carry on. Does it matter that in many cases the content might also have gone? Not really. If it was really important – and many posts on science blogs were – it will have been preserved in one form or another. For me, going through the links prompted a great deal of nostalgia and not a little pleasure, but I realise not everyone cares about the early days of weblogs or about science communication.
Nevertheless, if you’re looking for a comprehensive, though by now a little dated, survey of the whole science blog thing, I highly recommend this post from Bora Zivkovic, once at no. 20 in the top 50.
And where is he now? I’m not sure, but I can tell you that he still has his original domain, where I remember reading his stuff all those years ago. There, he’s “wondering what to do in the next decade”. I don’t know how long he’s been wondering. Maybe since late 2013: Don’t Be a Creep: Lessons from the latest terrible, sad, fascinating scandal in the science blogging world.