Botany One reviews Food: Delicious Science, a newish TV series from James Wong and Michael Mosley, originally produced on BBC2 as The Secrets of Your Food. Among the "entertaining stories" that Ian Street singles out for special praise:
Watching James Wong and Michael Mosley participate in a chili eating contest to illustrate just how far humans have gone to explore what is edible and explain the biochemistry of capsaicin.
What a novel idea. I'm just going to leave this here -- Why Dogs Don't Like Chilli But Some Like it Hot (1986) -- and ask, did they place? I did.
Ian Street, the reviewer, also recommends Gastropod, as "an excellent deep dive into specific foods in each episode" for those who prefer audio to video. For those who find that hard to listen to, for whatever reason, let me continue my self-aggrandisement by offering my own Eat This Podcast instead.
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