A bad day, really, bringing home to me my creeping infirmity and old age (which, oddly enough Gail Armstrong was blogging about too, on openbrackets). 1 In my case, it is all a question of vision. Poor vision. I set off this morning to fetch a friend from the airport. She didn't arrive, but that's another story. And of course, I left all my working tools, including my three pairs of glasses, at home, meaning to pick them up after I had dropped the friend and headed off for work. But because the friend did not arrive, and I have no internet at home, I decided to come in to work to check emails and see whether she had tried to make contact. She had, delayed to 16.35. (and then again to 18.35) No point going home. But without my specs, working on screen is just a nightmare. So I've done various bits of fiddling and faffing (for which read filing) but not really achieved much. Oh, I read some stuff I've been meaning to read, on paper, but it wasn't fun.
I hate this inability to see clearly. I've never been able to see clearly. Specs since the age of about 8. Astigmatism and short sight, in different eyes. I wore hard lenses for about 20 years, then my eyes started to dry out so I gave up. Laser surgery scares me. And as for modern lenses, there are so many conflicting opinions.
"Best thing since sliced bread."
"Wouldn't put them in my eyes if you paid me."
So what's a chap to do? Research the issue on the internet. But to do that, I'd need my specs. So I'm left just pondering aging.
Found, through the good offices of The Wayback Machine; sad how the comments went all to pot. But they do. ↩
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