Get one, give one

A couple of weeks ago someone shared a list of things that people can’t help themselves but recommend to others, things that are so useful or worthwhile that you can’t imagine how you lived without them.1 Of course I skimmed through it. There were things I’m already doing (plain text) and things I’m never going to do (children)2. There were also things that elicited a masssive “Huh?”

But then, when people piled on to the huh?-advice, I thought, maybe there’s something to this. So I took a look at the Better Bow Shoelace Knot on Ian's Shoelace Site. Genius. The entire site. And even more so that particular knot. It takes a bit of practice, but it is super worthwhile. Just as secure as a double bow, but a whole lot easier to undo when you need to. I shall be recommending this to anyone who’ll listen, and probably to a few who won’t.

In that spirit, what’s the one other thing I recommend? Far infrared heat panels. Each winter in this apartment, I have frozen during the inevitable cold snaps. Hot-water bottles, fingerless gloves, a blanket round my shoulders. All just temporary relief. Then a friend told me about far infrared panels. I did a bit of research, bought one, and installed it under my desk. Bliss. I’m fully prepared to admit that I don’t understand all the physics, but I get enough of it to know that it isn’t all woo. Far Infrared Heating. It’s heating, Jim, but not as we know it! does a good job of putting it all in context (against a UK background).

If the day ever comes when I own a property or have permission to renovate one, I would seriously consider FIR for all the things. In the meantime, if you’re cold, especially at your desk, you owe it to yourself to at least take a look.

  1. Of course I failed to bookmark the list, so if you know about it, do tell. 

  2. Although why people get so aereated over the question of parenting advice beats me. It’s advice; take it or leave it. 

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