On World Food Day few interventions will have as powerful effect on the world’s poorest as access to micronutrients.

I see a line like that and I think, “Wow, someone gets it.” Then I read on and I discover that Go Keith 1 is talking about supplements. Not surprising, I suppose, as his website tells us in no uncertain terms that he’s an M.D.

As an M.D. Go Keith has, alas, drunk the supplementation KoolAid. And so, like much of the medical establishment, he doesn’t consider either the role that dietary diversity has to play in giving real and sustainable access to micronutrients, rather than an ongoing dependency on supplements, or the fact that pouring money into medical interventions that aren’t strictly necessary could actually be siphoning money away from research into sustainable alternative approaches.

via [The Lifesaver: Micronutrients | Go Keith] ~~http://blog.gokeith.ca/2010/10/the-lifesaver-micronutrients/ ~~. 2

  1. Who he? Ed. 2021-10-18: I now know, and there is no way he is getting a link from me. 

  2. Dead and gone and never archived. No matter. 

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