As the month turns, it seems like a good idea to drum up a little support for the IndieWeb Carnival, which I am hosting this month. The idea is simplicity itself.

  • You write something on your own website that somehow addresses this month’s topic: “My Kind of Weather”.
  • You let me know that you have done so, either by sending a webmention or pasting a link to the article in the box below.
  • If neither of those work, it is easy enough to find an email for me.

One submission has already arrived, and I strongly agree with one minor part of it. There is little worse in the world than having to put wet socks onto dry feet.

That is all, for now.

Filed under | General | Indieweb |




Webmentions allow conversations across the web, based on a web standard. They are a powerful building block for the decentralized social web.

If you write something on your own site that links to this post, you can send me a Webmention by putting your post's URL in here:
