A graph showing a steep decline in visits to this website

Technology has not been kind to me today. But people have been great. So I’m going to try and focus on that, and ignore the awfulness that is my printer and the rubbish “service” that my other blogging platform and server are delivering. If I could, I’d migrate that one to Octopress too, as I have with this website. The obstacle is that my compadre is even less technically inclined than I am, and to keep us both running and synchronised on a static site like this one would be a full-time job. I already have one of those ...

The picture above shows what happened to jeremycherfas.net after the shiny new Textdrive 2.0 did something or other about a month ago.1 What, I have no idea, since no human being there ever sees fit to reply to any channel of communication that I’ve tried. The image on their website seems strangely appropriate. A woman, struggling through thick mud. Are they trying to tell us something?

Anyway, the farrago there, coupled with an ongoing security attack against WordPress sites, prompted me to switch this thing over to Octopress, and although it took a fair while, and a lot of help from people at ADN (of blessed memory), here I am again, looking at greased lightning delivery and 100% uptime. Lots of people have blazed this trail before me, many of them leaving detailed notes to guide a lost traveller. I would never have made it without them, and I made some notes of my own as I moved along from inspiration to implementation, but I’ve decided they aren’t nearly complete enough to share with anyone else. I’d probably lead them up one of the several dead ends I explored.

My intention, of course, is to publish here more frequently, even though it is actually considerably more complicated to do so. We shall see. I’d also like to indulge in a bit more tweakery, eventually. For now, though, I’m just happy to be reliably back.

  1. Of course I’ve obscured the actual number of visits; I’m not opening myself up to ridicule. I might do so in a month or so if being properly available actually has any impact. 

Filed under | Geeky |




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