King Content

I know I whine about content. And my reader complains both that some posts are boring and that I don't post often enough. It's because I really don't think the world needs to know about the petty trials and even smaller triumphs of my work life. And how much can one write about lazing at the dog beach by the lake? "There were some fights. And some humping. Dogs and people dozed in the sun." C'mon.

When I haven't posted anything for a while I feel like the great Fimoculous, who had to give up his blog to work on NBC's Olympic web site 1. "I miss my blog more than you do," he said he was thinking of having printed on a T-shirt.

So: a little experiment. What happens if I go online for some set period of time -- say 15 minutes -- and just stroll around from one page to another, blogging only that which takes my fancy?

I start unpromisingly, with a link from Dunstans's blogroll to a $14 steadycam. 2 Looks really neat, and even though I don't even own a video camera, I'd like to, and this will help. One of the fans of the el-cheapo steadycam runs an Italian Kubrick fan site, also available in English. But that's a dead end. Kubrick's reaction is cool though.

Chickens are always good for a laugh -- but I am rapidly running out of time. Rats. Time is up. And I thought I had come a perfect full circle. But the damn thing doesn't want to work on my Mac. 1

  1. Dead and gone. 

  2. Still there but, I suspect, largely superceded by commercial versions. That would be a fun story to follow up. 

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