The balance I try to maintain, between doing things and writing about doing things, has swung too far in the doing direction. Sure, there are good reasons, like wanting to get the new theme for this site up and running before Friday, but I've got so many little notes scribbled that really wouldn't take much more than half an hour if I put my mind to it in the moment. Onward

Highlights of the month:

  • The new Grav theme is going OK, and I might just make my self-imposed deadline.
  • That is due in large part to embracing Tailwind CSS which makes responsive web design a lot easier for a klutz like me.
  • Baking up a storm, again.
  • Spent the first week of this month (October) absorbed in a wonderful visit from a dear friend of very long standing.
  • Had a glorious weekend revisiting a castle in the Umbrian countryside.

Weight is creeping down slowly while sleep creeps up. I'm glad to be more active and sleep longer than average.


  • Walking with sticks: 5
  • Reading: 15
  • Steps (avge): 10034
  • Podcasts: 44
  • 7-minutes: 2

Finally downloaded an app for the 7-minute workout thing. I've been looking at the regime for ages, and told myself that the main reason I hadn't started was that I couldn't trust any of the apps with my data. Can I trust Johnson & Johnson? Probably more than most. I managed two sessions, four days apart. It's OK, and may be doing some good, but it is by no means a habit yet. And the five seconds the app gives between exercises is a tad short for me, especially if I have to get up from the floor. Push-up and rotate and side plank are my two weakest exercises.

Most interesting podcast episodes were:


Back at the grindstone, for sure, although I am also trying to be more assiduous in actually logging tasks that I do for myself. A fair bit of work for others this month, which is nice.

Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
09 128 6.1 33 28 39
08 110 3.1 38 37 25
07 58 2.9 22 21 57
06 75 3.75 38 18 44
05 145 7.25 40 2 58
04 128 6.4 37 28 35
03 158 7.5 44 28 28
02 121 6.0 32 42 26
2019-01 95 5.4 39 13 48
10 100 4.2 41 34 25
09 131 6.5 45 23 32
08 185 8.0 14 85 1
07 68 5.25 25 63 12
06 96 5.75 34 9 57
05 151 6.0 36 20 44
04 159 7.5 29 29 40
2018-03 152 7.0 20 10 70


Seven posts this month, including one POSSEd from Eat This Podcast. Might be I could find some time to spend on bringing in more old posts.

Continued to make an effort to use keyboard shortcuts, and created a couple of new ones in Reaper that make audio editing much quicker and easier.


I'm still wondering whether to use the bits of data I am accumulating here as numbers and words to try and learn more about graphing data. I know I have said this before.

Final remarks

So looking forward to IndieWebCamp in Brighton.

Filed under | Geeky | Monthlies |




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