Got a lot more done than I expected, considering how late I was with last month's report. That is, as long as I focus on what I completed, rather than what I didn't. Which is exactly as it should be.

Highlights of the month:

  • IndieWebCamp Brighton, during which I published the theme that produces what you see before you.
  • Discovered the <details> tag, though it isn't working as well as I'd like yet.
  • Brought in some old posts, based partly on looking at the logs, which I was downloading by hand prior to ...
  • Building a little script to download and rename logs.
  • Took a deep breath and persuaded myself that nothing would collapse if the podcast were a day late coming out.
  • Went to a friend's opening at an art gallery and had a good time.

A couple of difficulties

  • Had a lot of trouble getting Stripe payments on the podcast working under the new EU rules.1
  • One disastrous baking day, which none of the clients noticed. That says something.

Steps and sleep crept up, and weight continued to creep down. Still happy to be 69% more active and sleep 14% longer than average.


  • Walking with sticks: 4
  • Reading: 7
  • Steps (avge): 11470
  • Podcasts: 60
  • 7-minutes: 4

The 7-minute workout thing still isn't really gelling. Maybe it is a mistake to do it only after I've had a good warmup by walking with sticks. I could just try for every couple of days, regardless of other activitiy. I think it was getting easier, but perhaps that was just because I learned what was coming next. This month (November) I tried a couple of the "smart" workouts and they confused me no end by throwing in entirely new exercises.

Reading seems awfully low; I'm thinking I probably forgot to log a few sessions.

Most interesting podcast, by far, was Tunnel 29 from the BBC's Intrigue strand. Just so good.


Some pretty solid chunks of work this month, although I also spend an inordinate amount of time early in the month working on this site in anticipation of IndieWebCamp Brighton.

Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
10 96.5 4.5 37 19 44
09 128 6.1 33 28 39
08 110 3.1 38 37 25
07 58 2.9 22 21 57
06 75 3.75 38 18 44
05 145 7.25 40 2 58
04 128 6.4 37 28 35
03 158 7.5 44 28 28
02 121 6.0 32 42 26
2019-01 95 5.4 39 13 48
10 100 4.2 41 34 25
09 131 6.5 45 23 32
08 185 8.0 14 85 1
07 68 5.25 25 63 12
06 96 5.75 34 9 57
05 151 6.0 36 20 44
04 159 7.5 29 29 40
2018-03 152 7.0 20 10 70


Nine new posts, and I did bring in a bunch of old posts, as hoped. Let's give 'em some air.


It is amazing how many problematic aspects of a website just aren't visible until the darned thing is live. I still have loads of snagging to do on this here theme.

There was a good discussion at IndieWebCamp Brighton about the visual display of personal data. I'm better informed, but no nearer actually doing that here.

Final remarks

The weather in Rome was absolutely glorious.

  1. I have no idea how many potential subscribers I might have lost, but past performance suggests none. 

Filed under | Geeky | Monthlies |




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