Hard to believe that this time last month I wrote “just another month. … Covid-19 had no impact.” Then came the lockdown. I didn’t even mark the date, just got on with it. I was immediately surprised by how well Italians were taking it, with orderly lines outside the open shops and supermarkets and no empty shelves inside. Truth be told, for me, personally, there honestly hasn’t been that much change. I can’t walk in the park, and when I do walk, which I must, I tend to circle around near to home. Meeting people on the streets, both parties generally take evasive action, which is easy as there is very little traffic on the roads. I’ve rapidly become bored by all the advice being given to home workers, first time cooks and all the rest of it, but I realise I am enormously privileged. I expect we’ll be here at least another couple of weeks, probably more, and all bets are off for the summer.

Highlights of the month:

  • The Main Squeeze bought herself a new iMac, which ought not to be a highlight of my month, but it was.
  • We got into a wonderful Rafaello show the day after it opened and the day before the government shut it down for Covid-19.
  • Very stupidly did a big update of Reaper, my audio editing software, which overwrote all my preferences, shortcuts and setups.
  • Celebrated St Patrick’s Day a deux with a lamb chop and no Guinness, for shame.
  • Added transcripts to new shows for Eat This Podcast.
  • The girlie Ghostbusters is much better than I had heard.


Weight unchanged, sleep unchanged. Stability is not always a good thing.



  • Walking with sticks: 5
  • Reading: 18
  • Steps (avge): 8553 (down quite a bit)
  • Podcasts: 39 (but I know this is an underestimate)
  • 7-minutes: 13 (almost daily now)


  • Walking with sticks: 3
  • Reading: 21
  • Steps (avge): 9841 (down slightly)
  • Podcasts: 37
  • 7-minutes: 6


A new big project came in at the end of the month, which is nice. Less Admin and more ETP is always good to see.

Hours logged per month

  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018

Percent of logged hours: 2020

  • Admin
  • Eat This Podcast

Previous years are on an archive page.


Eight new posts in February! And three old ones, which were:

And in connection with that last one, I wonder whether it is possible, or even a good idea, to resurrect those “you’re it” blog chains. I do believe I will. Try.


None, really. I updated Grav, as I hoped to, but haven’t pushed the button yet. It should be almost unnoticeable when I do.

Final remarks

The lockdown has not been nearly as awful as it might be, and we’re still perfectly healthy, as far as we know.

Here's the table

Click the triangle to see or hide the table
Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
03 164 7.50 38 27 35
02 129.0 6.50 45 17 38
2020-01 89.25 5.25 48 19 43
Filed under | Geeky | Monthlies |




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