Rushing this out, a little, because tomorrow we hit the road and I know that if I leave, it won’t happen. So, possibly sketchy, but done.

Highlights of the month:

  • A car, new to me, and the old one trashed; a shame, because the motor was perfectly fine. Just the rest of it was not.
  • New barbecue too, inaugurated with a good steak, thanks to the Thermopen.
  • Eat This Newsletter no longer on the site. It will go to Tw and FB each time, and that’s all. Apart from subscribers.
  • First dinner out at friends. So pleasant.
  • Determined to quit my Italian bank, eventually, and took the first steps to do so.
  • Installed Unpaywall, not least because Sci-hub has been no good for me lately.
  • Cultural Quickies to the Vatican Museums and the Galleria Nazionale dell’Arte Moderna.
  • Gave a Zoom talk to Colorado Grain Chain’s home school stream.
  • An evening on the beach, with dinner.

Steps up 1000/day, weight creeping down, sleep 8:05; lower on the month and 30 minutes lower over the past 3 months.



  • Walking with sticks 0
  • Reading: 7 (Mostly magazines; could not select a novel)
  • Steps (avge): 8874 (up a lot)
  • Podcasts: 43.
  • 7 Minutes: 13 days and 39 cycles (Not doing the single cycles between times any more)


  • Walking with sticks 0
  • Reading: 15
  • Steps (avge): 7802 (up a good bit)
  • Podcasts: 34, but I know some are missing. Only recorded 3 of the 8 episodes of Gangster Capitalism on the NRA, and I know I listened to the whole thing because it was thoroughly wonderful.
  • 7 Minutes: 17 days and 39 cycles (missed a couple of days to a brief cold)


Even more paid work this month than last, and it is too much. I need a break, and maybe to turn some stuff down. But there’s always that fear. What if they never ask me again?

Hours logged per month

  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018

Percent of logged hours: 2020

  • Admin
  • Eat This Podcast

Previous years are on an archive page.


Only four new posts in June, and a couple of older ones, both bread recipes that I noticed people were looking for.


This remains unlooked at: It would be good to error check the script that pulls in the podcasts I’ve listened to. Why does it occasionally miss an episode when the data clearly show I listened to it?

Final remarks

Very ready for a rest.

Here's the table

Click the triangle to see or hide the table
Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
06 171 5.70 26 19 55
05 170 5.67 40 22 38
04 175 6.03 36 18 46
03 164 7.50 38 27 35
02 129.0 6.50 45 17 38
2020-01 89.25 5.25 48 19 43
Filed under | Geeky | Monthlies |




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