I had high hopes for a little tinkering here and there, mostly under the hood, but not much happened. That was mostly the result of a gross oversight in the paid work department, where the lovely extended holiday season ended with a realisation that I had screwed myself royally. Clawed my way back to sanity, but almost everything else got left behind.
Still healthy, but no sign yet of a call from The Great Vaccinator.
Highlights of the month:
Returned to Day One, and after an extended argy-bargy, managed to import all old entries from everywhere. Very preferable.
Built a Shortcut to replace one of my previous journalling functions, and it works.
Read Corduroy, a glorious memoir of English farming life in the 1920s.
Struggled to find a way to prepare chestnuts. Hope I don't forget before next season.
Reinserted myself into the Italian health system.
Homemade ravioli, just because.
Had a great phone call with a very dear friend.
Bird feeder bought for Christmas is a massive hit, although they are eating me bankrupt.
Finding time to learn some more fundamentals about coding. A Python course from MIT, no less.
Failed to close all three rings on one day. Having processed my feelings about this, it deserves a longer blog post.