Got my first dose of the AZ vaccine, which, while deflationary in the lack of fuss, was also definitely the highlight of the month.

Highlights of the month:

  • Started a mealworm farm for the birdies.
  • Actually met some old friends for a rural lunch
  • Movement in the plants on the terrace
  • Got the Italian driving licence; good to 2025
  • Rewatched The Night Manager
  • Dropped the monitor attached to the Pi, mini-screen obtained
  • Installed pi-hole, but not, yet, for the wh0le network
  • Took part in two online food things


Missed move ring on one day.

In the end paid work interfered with the Python course such that I didn’t actually finish before I lost access. That’s OK, overall, as I learned a fair bit and now have links to some other good tutorials. Because I don’t actually need certification, I was not willing to pay the $75 that would have given me unlimited access, but I might have been willing to pay somewhat less without any testing.

Online tutorials, and not just for Python, are so variable in content and so hit-and-miss. Is there no ungameable reputation system?


  • Walking with sticks: 0
  • Reading: 22
  • Steps (avge): 10,468
  • Podcasts: 45 (41 of them logged)
  • In bed/asleep 8:27/7:32
  • 7 Minutes: 14 days; alternating 2 cycles moderate and 3 cycles cardio blast.
  • Weight (avge): 86.4


  • Walking with sticks: 0
  • Reading: 14
  • Steps (avge): 11,137
  • Podcasts: 45 (38 of them logged)
  • In bed/asleep 8:25/7:38 Getting lighter?
  • 7 Minutes: 11 days; alternating 2 cycles moderate and 3 cycles cardio blast.
  • Weight (avge): 86.2


Chugging along nicely. I may complain about people who go to all the trouble of copying full references into the papers they ask me to edit without using any kind of reference manager, but in the end I don’t dislike the job. It is just taxing enough and offers a solid sense of progress. I can do about 20 an hour, and on a good day can do it for about 90 minutes.

Hours logged per month

Percent of logged hours: 2021

Previous years are on an archive page.


Four new posts (again), and no old ones, so nothing to draw more attention to.


Didn’t finish the Python course, but need to motivate myself to continue, and learn how to use Jupyter.

Final remarks

It has been a good month. No absurd highs, no depressing lows.

Here's the table

Click the triangle to see or hide the table
Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
03 173.3 5.59 38 19 43
02 155.7 5.59 32 25 43
2021-01 168.5 5.62 43 17 40
Filed under | Geeky | Monthlies |




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