Everyone is keen to spend their budget before the end of the year, and who am I to argue. It has bitten into my fun time, but not completely. I fixed my podcast scrobbling script, and ordered a new computer.

Highlights of the month:

  • Started the month with a frozen computer, ended it by ordering a new one and hoping that I can hold out till it arrives.
  • Not a good computer month at all; the Pi also went on the fritz and took the best part of a day to restore.
  • Excellent visit to Ostia Antica to record a podcast in the ancient bakery.
  • Established a separate mailing list for podcast supporters and sent them the first issue.
  • Another good friend visited and we had some good meals and conversations.
  • Terrific exhibit of Margaret Bourke-White photos in Trastevere.
  • Saw a movie! In a cinema! (No Time to Die)


Not much new. A friend asked me to bake her a loaf of soda bread, which uses kefir as the liquid. On a whim I started making my own, just like old times, but there is no sign of the grains emerging or clumping. Still, it is delicious and a lot easier than yoghurt, though I won't neglect that. Next up, viilli?


  • Walking with sticks: 0
  • Reading: 13
  • Steps (avge): 9400
  • Podcasts: 43 (All of them logged!)
  • In bed/asleep 8:17/7:19
  • 7 Minutes: 13
  • Weight (avge): 86.9
  • Naps 1


  • Walking with sticks: 0
  • Reading: 11
  • Steps (avge): 9968
  • Podcasts: 38 (33 of them logged.)
  • In bed/asleep 8:15/7:02
  • 7 Minutes: 11
  • Weight (avge): 86.3
  • Naps 6


The same client work that was giving me grief last month is still giving me grief, and I think that the main reason is that I have not had any feedback on the first piece I sent in. That makes me tentative, and that makes me procrastinate. Tomorrow!

Podcasting for others is OK, although there are real drawbacks to not being in the same place. Perhaps a bigger drawback is that the person nominally in charge doesn't have any experience of how long audio editing takes, which can result in a bit of a scramble.

Hours logged per month

Percent of logged hours: 2021

Previous years are on an archive page.


Brought in 85 on-this-day posts, which continues to be interesting. Thinking a bit about it, I've sort of decided to build some kind of index to longer posts that might be of continuing interest. I haven't yet thought about how to present or surface these topics, but at least I will be able to find them going forward. Eight new posts, again, which is nice.

I kept a closer watch on time this month, and it averages 90 minutes a day, but that is very skew. The majority of days it takes well under an hour.

Looking forward to a new computer; this one is mid-2011. Not looking forward to setting it up.


None, really. I found time to play with the computer, and the result was a resumption of improved podcast scrobbling. Need to get back to playing with GIS in Python.

Final remarks

I need to get on top of my weight again, and maybe up my HIIT game. Or is that foolish age denialism?

Here's the table

Click the triangle to see or hide the table
Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
10 170.75 5.50 31 16 53
09 157.5 5.25 31 25 44
08 67.8 2.19 29 08 63
07 80.1 2.58 39 17 44
06 110.0 3.67 38 26 36
05 159.1 5.13 29 22 49
04 166.1 5.75 39 16 45
03 173.3 5.59 38 19 43
02 155.7 5.59 32 25 43
2021-01 168.5 5.62 43 17 40
Filed under | Geeky | Monthlies |




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