Where did the month go? I know it is a short month, but it was over so quickly. Still, there were trips to the beach and the cinema (Belfast) to remember.

Highlights of the month:

  • Negative Covid test on 2 February, no great consequences
  • Merch samples arrived; quality is good and they are useful
  • Satisfied with the podcast episodes this month, and entered Ostia Antica for the Fortnums awards
  • Speaking of which, finally baked a panis quadratus for Fornacalia
  • The weather has been sensational – warm and clear – but there is already talk of a bad drought this year
  • Adopted a new approach to pork belly; very good
  • We looked at houses in the country. Again.
  • Booked a long-delayed trip to London
  • Bought a new mixer and got it working, but it was a bad, hasty choice.


Nothing particularly interesting. Continuing the notion of weekly blocks of time for key important-but-not-urgent categories of things to do, which definitely produces results. Continuing to work with my friend the artist, most of which consists of cleaning up his work so a computer can use it.


  • Walking with sticks: 0
  • Reading: 17
  • Steps (avge): 9815
  • Podcasts: 45 (36 of them logged)
  • In bed/asleep 8:32/7:30
  • 7 Minutes: 9
  • Weight (avge): 86.7
  • Naps: 6


  • Walking with sticks: 1 biggie
  • Reading: 23
  • Steps (avge): 7981
  • Podcasts: 36 (29 of them logged)
  • In bed/asleep 8:42/7:40
  • 7 Minutes: 10
  • Weight (avge): 87.5
  • Naps 8


Some slightly tricky merry-go-rounds. A committee writes. I edit and re-write. The committee re-writes my rewrite. Rinse and repeat. Seven times!

Hours logged per month

Graph of total hours worked each month since January 2018

Percent of logged hours

Percentage of hours logged for Admin (51%) and Podcasts (27%)

Previous years are on an archive page.


Only five new posts this month. I have notes on another four, but that's all they are; notes. Daily old posts numbered 79 for February. Some fun to be had there too, surfacing long forgotten stuff.


After a burst of energy working with Python, I took things too easy and forgot a lot. This is definitely a tool that needs to be used to stay sharp. Still too true.

Final remarks

March will be busy, with a short trip and a long trip.

Here's the table

Click the triangle to see or hide the table
Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
2022-02 128.5 4.62 51 27 22
2022-01 153.9 4.96 45 22 33
Filed under | Monthlies |




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