Back in the saddle, and a very comfy one it has been too. A delightful month enjoying the emptiness of Rome as a reward for suffering the sweltering heat. The Squeeze succumbed to the desire for coolth and splurged on what they call here a pinguino, a stand-alone air conditioner that is nominally mobile but that needs to have its exhaust hose fixed into a hole in a window, which rather limits the opportunity to move it around. Still, it cools the little studio very effectively, and when needs must, as it did a couple of times, I could retire there too with a portable machine. The terrace flourished as I can scarce remember, there was parking when we needed it, trips out to the lake mid-week kept us cool. A delight, and now here we are cat-sitting again in the depths of the Umbrian countryside. Truly, I am grateful for my life.

Highlights of the months:

  • Mostly summarised above, but
  • Bits of work for a new contract with an old client
  • Built a simple Grav site from scratch for a friend who is paying
  • Interesting outing to a tomato research plot, which included
  • Good experience using the new shotgun mic in the field, literally
  • Harvested figs from our own trees
  • Tested and then used Cleanfeed audio; game changer
  • Good Robert Doisneau show at the Ara Pacis


Nothing out of the ordinary. The heat made any sort of exertion for fun no fun at all, so very few walks in the park, long breaks from HIIT. Up early and late to bed, so sleep abbreviated, but more than compensated for by excellent naps, usually after a session reading.


  • Walking with sticks: 0
  • Reading: 25
  • Steps (avge): 10571, 8982, 7757
  • Podcasts: 34 (all of them logged)
  • In bed/asleep 7:21/6:18
  • 7 Minutes: 9
  • Weight (avge): 88.3
  • Naps: 28

May, June, July (approx):

  • Walking with sticks: 1
  • Reading: 32
  • Steps (avge): 10571, 8982, 7757
  • Podcasts: 75 (37, 23, 13 (73) of them logged)
  • In bed/asleep 8:12/7:17, 8:16/6:39, 7:53/6:35
  • 7 Minutes: 17
  • Weight (avge): 88.8, 87.4, 89.5
  • Naps: 40


Getting a tax bill this month made it even more abundantly clear that there is absolutely no point doing paid work just for money; it has to be fun and interesting, and it has been.

Hours logged per month

Percent of logged hours

No graphs this month, at least not till I get back to my desktop machine; see Niggles

Previous years are on an archive page.


Eight new posts this month, and the final bunch of old posts brought in to close the year of looking back. It was fun and surfaced lots of things I had forgotten, but as I wrote when I finished, some things still need thinking about. As does what to do now with all that free time. Haha.


Still loving reading on the iPad, and just started fiddling with GarageBand on it, which is a barrel of monkeys. But the laptop is still a burden. I have barely any of the code stuff I've spent the past year on here with me, so I can't run old stuff and I can't work on new stuff. That has to change, but the big question remains: Air or MacBook?

Final remarks

Need to knuckle down to the next season of Eat This Podcast.

Here's the table

Click the triangle to see or hide the table
Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
08 134.02 4.28 37 22 41
07 52.8 1.70 39 34 27
06 73.25 2.44 20 36 44
05 97.1 3.13 44 21 35
04 143.2 5.11 49 29 22
03 77.1 2.48 46 21 33
02 128.5 4.62 51 27 22
2022-01 153.9 4.96 45 22 33
Filed under | Monthlies |




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