The best news, in a way, is that summer is very definitely over. We have enjoyed some excellent rain, both thunderous downpours and more gentle soaks and the park is greening up nicely as a result. It is still warm though, so the terrace plants are doing really well. Launched the new season of Eat This Podcast to an uptick in downloads but a downturn in subscribers. Truly, I have no idea what makes sense any more, so I’ll just keep plodding along.

Highlights of the months:

  • Swam 1km almost every day while cat-sitting, and resolved to continue, but
  • Had a suspect mole removed, which I then had to keep dry.
  • I won’t say QE2 dying was a highlight, but it was interesting.
  • The giant blowsy hibiscus had a seedpod that contained seeds.
  • Made some lime pickle.
  • Shared my first public Alfred workflow, to smartify quotes.
  • Stonkingly good six-course tasting menu at a swanky hotel, a parting gift from The Squeeze’s colleagues.
  • Excellent visit from one of my most durable friends.
  • Created podcast music that sounds like … music!


Managed to sustain reading and napping, and got some walking with sticks done into the bargain. I keep thinking about getting the Brompton tuned up again because the busses have been shite lately, but the old bike shop seems to have closed some time during the pandemic..


  • Walking with sticks: 4
  • Reading: 25
  • Steps (avge): 7916
  • Podcasts: 35 (33 of them logged)
  • In bed/asleep 8:13/7:04
  • 7 Minutes: 8
  • Weight (avge): 89.1
  • Naps: 23


  • Walking with sticks: 0
  • Reading: 25
  • Steps (avge): 7652
  • Podcasts: 34 (all of them logged)
  • In bed/asleep 7:21/6:18
  • 7 Minutes: 9
  • Weight (avge): 88.3
  • Naps: 28


I did a bit. Had one offer turned down, because they wabnted it more urgently than I was able, and that felt absolutely fine.

Hours logged per month

Graph of total hours worked each month since January 2018

Percent of logged hours

Percentage of hours logged for Admin and Podcasts

Previous years are on an archive page.


Only four new posts this month, but that’s OK.


I sort of decided on a new MacBook Air, but I haven’t actually done anything about it, which is stupid as I will be travelling quite a bit at the end of this month and beginning of next, so I need to time to get it organised.

Final remarks

Life continues to be very good, although at times like this, when friends have passed through, I feel the lack a bit more than usual.


Here’s the table

Click the triangle to see or hide the table
Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
09 106.33 4.1 35 41 34
08 134.02 4.28 37 22 41
07 52.8 1.70 39 34 27
06 73.25 2.44 20 36 44
05 97.1 3.13 44 21 35
04 143.2 5.11 49 29 22
03 77.1 2.48 46 21 33
02 128.5 4.62 51 27 22
2022-01 153.9 4.96 45 22 33
Filed under | Monthlies |




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