Back in the swing of things and managing to keep on top of everything. A run of glorious weather (ongoing) makes the cold within bearable because we can also go outside to warm up. Weird.

Highlights of the month:

  • Terrific couple of weeks away, including ...
  • ... great visit with a friend of very long standing.
  • A week of remedial eating (minestrone etc).
  • Added a stand to a bicycle and raised the handlebars; much comfier.
  • Some fine nights with friends.
  • Read Orwell's Roses by Rebecca Solnit, a total delight.
  • Two lovely gentle movies, Perfect Days and The Holdovers.
  • Bicycle ride for Holocaust Memorial Day.
  • Sharpened my axe; worthwhile.


Steps dropping a bit as reading goes up, for related reasons. Snuck in a single session of HIIT, but can report that as of today (2024-02-06) I am back on the wagon.


  • Walking with sticks: 0
  • Reading: 18
  • Steps (avge): 8633
  • Podcasts: 27 (All of them logged) Coincidence.
  • In bed/asleep 8:32/7:45
  • 7 Minutes: 1 day
  • Cycled: 3 days (42 km)
  • Weight (avge): 88.4
  • Naps: 19


  • Walking with sticks: 1
  • Reading: 10
  • Steps (avge): 10,496
  • Podcasts: 27 (All of them logged)
  • In bed/asleep 8:28/7:35
  • 7 Minutes: 3 days
  • Cycled: 2 days (110 km)
  • Weight (avge): 87.8
  • Naps: 16

Stuff Done

Not much. Failed to continue both Keyboard Maestro and other bits of coding, but so what? There will be time.

Hours logged per month

Graph of total hours worked each month since January 2019

Percent of logged hours

Percentage of hours logged for Admin, Podcasts and Writing

Previous years are on an archive page.

Current me would like to thank past me for showing unusual foresight, which made updating the scripts to produce the graphs easier than expected.


Nine posts this month, which is nice.


None, really, but then it was a very easy month.

Final remarks

Hard to know what to tackle in the way of something larger. $project languishes, for now, paralysed in part by indecision about the CMS behind it. Cleaning up this site by hiving off some of the podcast posts would be a good thing. WithKnown continues to thwart me at times but not quite at the point where I want to start over. Still, for all that, spring is springing.

Here’s the table

Click the triangle to see or hide the table
Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Writing % Other %
2024-01 56.75 4.0 65 21 11 3
Filed under | Monthlies |




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