Arch of lower jaw of Neanderthal fossil

When did people start to eat wheat? The date keeps getting pushed back, and is now around 35,000 to 45,000 years ago. That is long before the dawn of intentional agriculture. How do we know? Because a man who died in a cave hadn’t cleaned his teeth, and stuck in the tartar were grains of boiled st...

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Over on Mastodon, I noted that Juhis, whom I follow, was getting fired up about the start of Blaugust. I had no idea what that was about, so had a quick look and discovered that it was a month-long celebration of blogging, the goal being to write a post a day for the whole of August. Ha! I thought, I’ve already done the exact same thing, for the Dog Days of Podcasting, which is still going strong, although I’m not doing it this year.

Blaugust logo

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Moaning about how hard it is to have a laptop and desktop machine perfectly in sync even for things I don't use often, one of my cyber-chums said "Why don't you use git?". A forehead slapping moment. I already use git to share the vital bits of my blog publisher. Of course I could do the same for some of the Python apps I use from time to time. But it had to wait until I got back to the desktop machine.

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It is surprising how difficult it is to take a walk when you are on holiday at a remote spot in the countryside, especially if you prefer to loop rather than walk there and back. Footpaths are non-existent and signage inadequate so there’s no telling where you might end up, from which you will have to retrace your steps.

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The saga of synchronised futzing continues with a couple of days of hair-pulling finally resolved to my satisfaction. This time it was Karabiner-Elements, which I use almost exclusively to enable the hyper-key (⌘⌥⇧^). Just not working on the laptop after upgrading here to Sonoma. I vaguely remembere...

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