Whoop-de-doo; Independence Day in the USA and, as one wag put it, “Enjoy! It may be your last”. I fear I have succumbed to a bit of doom and gloom this past month, what with entirely fatuous politics in so many places and continuing incontrovertible evidence that climate change probably is completely out of control now.

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A wonderful thunderstorm just passed through. It was foretold, and we could see and hear it coming across the valley, loud rumblings getting stronger as visible rain blotted out the landscape. Good opportunity to record an approaching storm, because who doesn’t like to listen to a gathering storm. A...

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Agent Smart holding a shoe to his ear This started a few days ago when JamesG announced the redesign of his website. The design and the thinking behind it are great. There was just one thing about it that grated with me: a “straight” quote, right there in the title.1

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Alas, I failed to properly test my spiffy new synchronised puttering set-up, and it did not Just Work™. The part involving MAMP did work, but not the puttering, because the URLs for the site are hard-coded into the SQL database. Having transferred to a new local URL, nothing other than the bare HT...

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Today I am grateful to two individuals who were willing to share what they knew with me, one directly, one very indirectly. As a result of their generosity my podcast is working properly again and I will be able to continue to putter on some design work while travelling this summer.

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